1. Shree Rajbhog- Extra Premium Quality Rajapuri Turmeric Powder
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2. Shree Rajhans- Premium Quality Turmeric Powder
3. Shree Rajratna- Special Grade Turmeric Powder
4. Deshi Cuddapah- Made from Handpicked Turmeric Bulbs & Fingers
5. Nutra Turmeric- Made from Best Quality Rajapuri Turmeric:-
It is carefully prepared from individually handpicked turmeric roots that are grown in the finest regions of India- Sangli. By bio-dynamic and organic farming practices, the turmeric roots are carefully harvested, grown from the best quality Rajapuri variety of seeds. After harvesting, the turmeric roots are carefully processed in a fully atomatic PLC controlled , HVAC and HACCP certified
plant where processes like boiling, drying, polishing, etc. are undertaken in S.S. 316 plants under trained supervision. The polished turmeric is then graded and sorted for any impurities under controlled attmospheric conditions to be sent further for grinding. By the technology of low–temperature grinding the final NUTRA TURMERIC is obtained which is then passed through metal detectors until finally hygienically packed and stored.
Turmeric Packaging Size Availability: