Shah Ratanshi Khimji & Co.

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Part used: Root.

Soil requirements: Well drained, fertile soil.

Climate requirements: Turmeric prefers warm and humid .

Growing zones: Turmeric is a tropical plant that does well when given abundant heat and moisture. This root will grow well in any region that has a temperate summer, and will die in the winter. Planting time: Unless you live in the tropics, where it can be planted anytime, plant in late spring. Fresh roots can be planted directly into soil.

Pollination: The dried rhizome of turmeric can be used in subsequent plantings.

Flowering/Seeding time: Turmeric shoots appear in about two months from planting. The rhizomes can usually be harvested from seven to ten months after planting, when leaves and stems become dry.

Harvesting: When the plant has changed from abundant green to dry, dig up the entire plant, ensuring that you dig up the entire root (as this is the part that is used medicinally). Plan to harvest your turmeric root at the end of the summer growing season.

Drying Methods / Yield: Drying turmeric is a fairly complicated process. First you must boil the roots, then leave in the sun to dry, or use a dehydrator. The plant may also be used fresh and raw in a grated form.

Click on the below images to zoom
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checking-boiled-turmeric-for-drying-thumbs boiled-fingers-trolley-thumbs trolley-turmeric-thumbs sorting-dried-turmeric-thumbs polishing-turmeric-thumbs

Plant Yield: Approximately 700 grams of fresh root yields per plant.

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